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fasting is unhealthy

We realized that people who think it's okay to go without drinking water for 16 hours in the hot August weather either don't have much intelligence or are not very smart. We were able to clearly and accurately identify this, and we did it in a timely and brave way.


fasting is unhealthy

It is not a good idea to go for long periods of time without eating, especially in hot weather, as it can be dangerous for your health. Even if you have religious reasons for fasting, it is not recommended for people who are not in perfect health.


fasting is unhealthy

Absolutely correct. Fasting is a scientific way to explain certain things.


fasting is unhealthy

People who think religious beliefs are not open to scientific evaluation and cannot be questioned are wrong. For example, if your religion said you had to sacrifice a virgin, would you still do it? People should not be forced to do something against their will, so if someone doesn't want to do it, they shouldn't have to.
